
Comprehensive and humanized medical care. Emergency for Foreigners, Travelers and Tourists in Rio de Janeiro

What to do ?
I had an accident in Rio de Janeiro
Which hospital should I look for?
I hurt my fist in a fall on the beach
I'm feeling pain in the spine.
Call +55 21 995 098 868

Our doctors specialize in emergency orthopedic care and post-traumatic reconstructive surgery for patients injured in motor vehicle collisions, industrial accidents and falls. We performed treatment in the very best Hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. We can intermediate the assistance of the Travelers insured persons during the trip to Brazil. We also care for simple cases directly in places where the traveler is hosted on ( Hotel, Hostel, Hospital, etc)

You have more than 300 bones and joints in your body. An orthopedic doctor specializes in the health of these bones and joints, and can help diagnose and treat your ailments. A limited range of motion can signify joint disease such as arthritis. It’s important to see a specialist to prevent your condition from getting worse. Have you recently suffered from a soft tissue injury, such as a sprained ankle, twisted knee, or busted wrist?
Call a doctor and ask them for their earliest available appointment.
+55 21 995 098 868

Dr. Marcos Britto da Silva

- Orthopaedic Surgeon Specialist in Orthopedic and Traumatology and Sports Medicine
- Master of Science Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of UFRJ 2004-2006
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2006 to present
- Staff Hospital Clementino Fraga Universitário Filho of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - HUCFF - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 1994 to present
- Orthopedic Surgeon-in-Chief, Hospital ProCardia​co​
- Specialist in Shoulder Surgery by Clinique Jouvenet - Paris.2007
- Professor at the Post Graduate Medical Institute Carlos Chagas. 2004 to present
- Coordinator of the League of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Students of Medicine at UFRJ. 2010 to present
- Secretary-General SLAOT (2013-2014) Sociedad LatinoAmericana de Ortopedia Y Traumatogia
- International Member AAOS - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
- International Member o SICOT - Société Internationale de chirurgie Orthopédique et the Traumatologie.(AISBL)
- Member of SBOT - (Brazilian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
- Member of SBTO - (Brazilian Society of Orthopaedic Trauma)
- Member of SBCOC - (Brazilian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery )
- Member of SBRATE - (Brazilian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology)
- Member of SLAOT ( Latinoamerican Federation of Orthopaedic and Traumatology)
- International Member - THE AO-ALUMNI Association -
- International Member: The Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport (FIMS)
- International Federation of Sports Medicine (http://www.fims.org)
- Medical Researcher CNPq.



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Minha foto
Dr MARCOS BRITTO DA SILVA - Médico Ortopedista
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Médico Ortopedista Especialista em Traumatologia e Medicina Esportiva - Chefe do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Pró-Cardíaco - ex Presidente da SBOT RJ - Professor Convidado da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Membro Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte - Médico do HUCFF-UFRJ, - International Member American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - Membro da Câmara Técnica de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do CREMERJ, - Especialista em Cirurgia do Membro Superior pela Clinique Juvenet - Paris, - Professor da pós Graduação em Medicina do Instituto Carlos Chagas, - Professor Coordenador da Liga de Ortopedia e Medicina Esportiva dos alunos de Medicina da UFRJ, - Membro Titular da SBOT - ( Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia), - Membro Titular da SBTO - ( Sociedade Brasileira de Trauma Ortopédico), - Mestre em Medicina pela Faculdade de Medicina da UFRJ - Internacional Member AO ALUMNI - Internacional Member: The Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport,(FIMS) - Membro do Comitê de ètica em Pesquisa HUCFF-UFRJ.